Ph.D., UC Davis, 2015
M.A., San Francisco State University, 2008
J.D., University of Michigan, 1979
B.A., Brandeis University, 1976
I returned to the academy after a career as a lawyer and executive with telecommunications and internet companies. While my focus is modern European history, I believe that European ideas, institutions and practices must be considered in a global context.
I have been teaching history of democracy, historiography, modern European, and world history at San Francisco State University since 2012. I often use historically-embedded live-action role-playing games from the “Reacting to the Past” pedagogy.
I am Co-Director of the History for the 21st Century Project ( designed to assess and reconceptualize introductory history courses in US colleges and universities.
Recent Publications
- “Manufacturing International Law: Pre-printed Treaties in the ‘Scramble for Africa’ -- Journal of the History of International Law (2020) 1-27
- “International Arbitration,” Encyclopedia of Diplomacy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018)
- “Arbitration at Vienna: Recasting the History of International Dispute Resolution” –Jus Gentium (3:2, 2018)
- Review, Lauren Benton and Lisa Ford, Rage for Order, Journal of World History 29:1 (2018) 102-5
- Review, Steven Press, Rogue Empires, Jus Gentium 2:2 (2017) 662-665
- “Taming Arbitration: States’ Men, Lawyers, and Peace Advocates in the Pre-World War I Era,” Journal of the History of International Law 19:3 (2017) 362-396
- “The Global Construction of International Law in the 19th Century: The Case of Arbitration” –Journal of World History 27:2 (2016) 303-325